
Phone Line: (707) 748-2982

Consistent school attendance is essential for your child’s success in school. Attendance problems hinder your child’s progress and teach them that school is not important. At age 5 school is your choice- at age 16 it’s their choice! It is difficult for student and teachers to make up for days absent. Instructional learning opportunities are lost. Don’t use a day away from school as a birthday gift, a treat, or a reward. Vacations need to be scheduled during vacation times. Medical and dental appointments can be scheduled for later in the day or at times when your child can go to the appointment and return to school. Education is a costly privilege and each day is vital.

ABSENCES: Many parents are unaware that the school does not receive A.D.A. funding even if the reason is excused so it is important to have your child at school each day. There are two types of absences: excused and unexcused. The law defines an excused absence as illness, medical appointments, or bereavement leave for an. immediate family member. All other absences are unexcused. Any absence must be reported to our attendance line 748-2982 each day with a reason. A written note is also acceptable. All absences must be reported to the school office within 72 hours or they will be marked as ‘Not Cleared’, which is considered unexcused. Any student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for 3 days, or tardy in excess of 30 minutes for 3 days in one school year is truant (CA Ed. Code 48260).

Any student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for 3 days, or tardy in excess of 30 minutes for 3 days in one school year is truant (CA Ed. Code 48260).

TARDlES: A child is considered tardy if they are not with their teacher when the 8:35 bell sounds. Arriving to school and being in class on time is important. Tardies are disruptive to classroom instruction and require that your child checks in the office for a tardy slip explaining the reason for lateness. Tardies cannot be excused for personal reasons (missed bus, parents late, oversleeping) or for traffic problems or weather delays so please allow extra time in the mornings. There is supervision beginning at 8:20 so feel free to drop your child off early. Tardies are tallied for every attendance reporting period. BUSD requires parent notification for excessive tardiness and tardies are reported on the student report cards. There is a possibility of assigned detention for excessive tardies.