Our staff and school are putting together a festive way to celebrate Halloween this year, with a special Halloween Hello! On Friday, October 30th we are inviting all of you to dress-up in costume and drive through the front of the school to wave hello to all of the Turner staff who can’t wait to show you their costumes! Some of the rules we’re asking all families to follow are to wear a mask, stay in your vehicle at all times, please don’t sit and watch the drive-thru, and follow all of our normal safety procedures as if this were a materials pick-up. If you have multiple students in different grades you can choose which time best works for you and your family.
Sensory-Friendly: 10:15-10:30 am
TK-2nd Grade: 10:30-11:30 am
3rd-5th Grade: 11:30-12:30 pm